“Cleanup Svalbard” 2020 cancelled | Polarjournal

In addition to the activity for the environment, guests also experience the fascinating beauty of the archipelago. (Photo: Oceanwide Expeditions)

The Covid-19 virus leaves further traces. The “Cleanup Svalbard” action planned by Oceanwide Expeditions from 28 August to 4 September 2020 had to be postponed until 2021 due to the unsafe entry regulations.

As with previous actions, the expedition in the spring of 2021 will have to dispose of a lot of washed-up rubbish. (Photo: Oceanwide Expeditions)

ʺIn this exceptional situation and in an effort to take early precautions, we now invite all passengers who have booked on the above trip to rebook their trip on a similar trip or to use the paid cruise fare as a travel voucher based on a selection of future trips from Oceanwide Expeditions wirdʺ counted to your choice. florian Piper, Arctic product manager of Oceanwide Expeditions PolarJournal.

Florian Piper: ʺWir are saddened by the events and the impact on our industry and hope that you findenʺ an alternative journey from our portfolio. (Photo: Oceanwide Expeditions)

ʺ If you further indulge in the special “Cleaning the Shores” activities, we will offer 7 nights voyage OTL05, North Spitsbergen ´Basecamp´, from June 24 till July 1, 2021. Next to free kayaking, snowshoeing / hiking, photo workshops, we will add opportunities for passengers to help clean the shores of remote beaches in North Spitsbergen”, Florian Piper added.

Of course, encounters with the king of the Arctic should also be possible. (Photo: Heiner Kubny)

Heiner Kubny, PolarJournal

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