Freddie Mercury in Antarctica | Polarjournal
The Italian-French Concordia crew’s witty and humorous entry went down best with the jury, and so the ‘Concordians’ won everything in the ‘Open’ category. (Photo: Screenshot)

When you think of scientists, you usually think of men and women in white overalls sitting behind microscopes and technical equipment, filling in statistics and presenting results that are difficult for to understand the average person.

The researchers and technicians at Concordia Station in Antarctica show that this can be deceptive with their contribution to the International Film Festival of Antarctica.

With the title “I Want to Break Free from Concordia Station“, adapted from the super hit by Freddie Mercury and Queen, the Concordia Station team emerged as the 2021 winner in the ‘Open’ category and also picked up all the special prizes.

Now work is already underway on production in 2022. With the month of August comes not only the return of sunlight, but also production work for the Antarctica Film Festival, with each base submitting an original piece. The film production usually takes place in the first week of August and the duration of the contribution must not exceed 5 minutes.

The Mercury actor Charles Delgrange convinces with his quirky singing and was voted best actor in the category ‘Open’. (Photo: Screenshot)

International “Film Festival of Antarctica

The International Film Festival of Antarctica (WIFFA) is an annual film festival open exclusively to those who spend the entire winter in Antarctica or sub-Antarctic areas. A total of 48 stations are registered.

For the first time in 2006 and 2007, the festival was held at the U.S. McMurdo & Scott Base at the South Pole, where the competition for the 48-hour films was launched on site at the two bases.

The contribution of the Concordia team 2021. With this funny story the ‘Concordians’ were winners in the category ‘Open’. They also received the awards for: best editing, best actor, best costume, best soundtrack and best artistic achievement.

In 2008, eight stations already participated. Since then, both the interest in the festival and the number of participants have grown.

The festival is designed for short films with a duration of 5 minutes and has two categories:

  • 48-hour shooting – usually takes place in the first week of August. On the day the contest begins, participating stations will receive a list of the five elements that must be included. The film must then be ready for screening within the following 48 hours.
  • Open competition – all topics are allowed.

The five themes of the 48 hours are usually represented by a sound, an object, a character, an action, and a quote. Five bases then select a specific element within each of these general themes to communicate to all stations that must be represented in the film (for example, the sound could be an animal, the object could be a bottle, etc.).

The contribution of the French Crozet Island titled “Please draw me a penguin” the ‘islanders’ received the award of the best leading actor in the category “48 hours”. (Photo: Screenshot)

Once the shorts are shot, they will be broadcast and screened by all participating bases, who will cast a vote to determine the best film for both categories, best actor / actress, best soundtrack, best costumes and so on.

Victory brings no prize to the winner, except that of recognition by the other bases and the enthusiasm and happiness that come from a victory itself.

Heiner Kubny, PolarJournal

Link: Antarctica Film Festival

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