Conference | Polarjournal
Behind the Ice Curtain: Antarctic Treaty talks conceal looming bird flu catastrophe

Behind the Ice Curtain: Antarctic Treaty talks conceal looming bird flu catastrophe

Cash-strapped scientists in Antarctica face ‘unimaginable’ challenges — from sampling a lethal virus on floating ice to fighting a ‘climate’ threat that could kill millions of wildlife, and even humans. Despite calls for global assistance, 29 states meeting in India next month remain entrenched in Cold War-era secrecy.

Monaco works for greater cooperation in polar sciences

Monaco works for greater cooperation in polar sciences

Last Thursday and Friday, the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation’s Polar Symposium took place in the century-old Oceanographic Museum, between the Palais princier and the Mediterranean, bringing together scientists and experts, advocacy officers and directors of organizations, representatives of indigenous peoples and heads of state.

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