Field work for Polar research is very fascinating to see for the general public. But once that part is over, people tend to loose interest in the results. Therefore, researchers should train their storytelling skills. (Image: M.Schiller, AWI) Polar regions play a...
Prince Albert II of Monaco is the only sitting head of state to have visited both poles. The Princely family has a long history of polar exploration, dating back to Prince Albert I’s Arctic expeditions. Image: Philippe Fitte / FPA2 Last Thursday and Friday, the...
The minicipality of Paris has dedicated this building to climate, science and youth since September 2021 and will make it available to polar scientists for three days next May. Image: Climate Academy Researchers who are leading or starting a career in science and who...
From now on, PolarJournal articles are also available in French. The language can be conveniently changed to German, English or French using the language switcher in the right corner. When PolarJournal launched in mid-July 2019, the plan was not only to present news...