In the icy waters off Svalbard, a team of researchers has discovered two bacteria that hold great promise in the fight against E. coli infections. Photo: Yannik Schneider While bacterial infections with E. coli are still rife, sometimes with serious consequences, two...
Glaciologist Jemma Wadham in the process of taking a sample of meltwater from the Salajekna Glacier in Northern Norway. With the sample, she is trying to determine if glacial retreat is leading to an increased release of heavy metals. Photo: T. Bruckner This summer an...
The Greek PhD-student Apostolos Tsiouvalas on the coast of Siorapaluk during his field work in Avanersuaq, Northwest Greenland where he interviewed locals to investigate how they had been affected by international law. Photo: Apostolos Tsiouvalas International law...