The farthest reaches of the Canadian and Greenlandic Arctic remain largely unexplored by scientists. Drawing: Mitchelle Tamariz Several meters thick, the multi-year ice accumulates in an Arctic maritime area, the Nares Strait, where numerous fjords dump alluvial...
Below a global temperature rise of 2°C, the glaciers of the Weddell Sea will not be irreversibly affected by warm water currents by the end of the century. Foresight. In the southern Weddell Sea, the world’s second largest ice shelf will remain protected from...
The Adélie penguin is an indicator species for changes studied by the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) to monitor changes in krill resources, ice and heavy metals, for example. Image: Coline Marciau / French Polar Institute...
Arctic fisheries is a very lucrative business but also impacted by climate change. But due to shifts in ocean currents, new upwelling areas could provide new fishing ground. Image: NOAA Fisheries Scan, Wiki Commons CC BY-SA 4.0 Due to climatic changes, ocean currents...
Elephant seals have been used as “assistants” in research projects for years. The data loggers used do not affect the animals and fall off the head again after a while. The devices are partially lost, but can also be collected again. Data is transmitted...