A strong and friendly relationship has developed in the Siorapaluk region. Image: Christiane Drieux Inspiring career paths? Information on working in the polar regions? Or feedback? As well as publishing job offers, Polar Jobs offers first-hand experiences and life...
Geologically, the Kerguelen Islands are over 100,000 million years old. Here, the Larzac plateau overlooks the north-western part of the Courbet peninsula, with the Chasseneige, Hooker, Trapèze (807 m altitude) and Lyall mountains. Image: Camille Lin Take a look under...
Feral cats are the offspring of domesticated animals returned to the wild. Among terrestrial predators, they play a major role in the demography of the great albatross on Kerguelen. Photomontage: Camille Lin Mammals introduced to islands benefit from the...