White equals pristine and pure? Unfortunately not anymore as pollutants are rarely directly visible and have now reached all parts of the world, including the seemingly untouched Antarctic. (Photo: Michael Wenger) The Polar Retrospective looks at stories of the past...
Polar bear encounters in East Greenland are rather rare due to the sparse population. This year, however, several incidents were reported around the settlement of Ittoqqotoormiit. (Archive photo: Michael Wenger) A man was injured in an attack by a polar bear in East...
The German Neumayer Station in Antarctica is just one of the 64 research facilities that researchers can use as part of the POLARIN network. Photo: Klaus Guba The EU is funding the new POLARIN (Polar Research Infrastructure Network) research infrastructure project...
Cover of the book À bord du Polarstern published in French by Delachaux et Niestlé (there is currently no english version). Image: Katharina Weiss-Tuider / Christian Schneider / Delachaux et Niestlé A book about a major scientific expedition to the Arctic Ocean, a...
The end of the Gruve 7 mine southeast of Longyearbyen should have come at the end of 2023. But the chemical company Clariant is counting on the black fuel from Svalbard’s underground for years to come. Image: Marcel Schütz The war currently raging in Ukraine...