Mars | Polarjournal
Iceland like Mars

Iceland like Mars

Roy Price, Donato Giovannelli and Erlendur Bogason are ready to dive over the underwater chimney. Photo: Jacopo Pasotti Thinking of Iceland we imagine volcanoes, rain, open spaces where wind and vapours exhaled from a restless land makes it “like being on the Moon”....
Ice sheets once covered Mars

Ice sheets once covered Mars

The collage shows on the left images of valleys on Mars and on the right images of glacier valleys on Devon Island, Nunavut. According to the study, the types of valleys were created by similar processes, i.e. glaciers. Picture: Cal-Tech CTX mosaic and MAXAR/Esri...
Flight to Martian North Pole

Flight to Martian North Pole

Perspective view of the crater Korolev near the Martian North Pole. (Photo: ESA/DLR/FU Berlin) The images were taken by the HRSC stereo camera aboard ESA’s “Mars Express” spacecraft and picture the Korolev impact crater, named after Soviet rocket...
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