Due to their size and tusks, walruses have only two natural predators – orcas and polar bears. The avian flu virus may now add to the list. (Photo: Heiner Kubny) Norwegian researchers report that the first case of a walrus infected with an avian flu virus has...
Walrus Freya became a media star unasked. But in the end, the authorities had to euthanize the animal because people had gotten too close to it and considered human safety more important. Video: Euro News Walruses belong in the Arctic like polar bears. The mighty...
There is still enough food for polar bears. Polar bears tear apart a beached whale on the coast of Wrangel Island. At that time, about 140 bears were counted in the vicinity of the whale carcass. (Photo: Chris Collins, Heritage Expeditions) Although virtually no...
Walruses feed almost exclusively on small molluscs. How do they get them out of the sea floor? With their tusks, it was assumed for a long time. Not true. (Image: Heiner Kubny) By Peter Balwin Around the North Pole lives an animal that has always appealed to man...
The research vessel “Ivan Petrov” and the scientists shortly before departure in Arkhangelsk. (Photo: Rosneft) On August 14, an expedition aboard the scientific research vessel “Ivan Petrov” departed from Arkhangelsk for Novaya Zemlya and Franz...