Looking across the ice surfaces of the Arctic Ocean or an ice sheet, it is hard to see that these icy worlds are under massive pressure. However, despite the seemingly endless ice areas, the amounts of ice that have melted away due to global warming are unimaginably...
The East Antarctic ice sheet covers much of the Antarctic continent, affecting its response to global warming. At its edges, glaciers and huge ice shelf (pictured) flow into the sea. Nevertheless, researchers have found that some areas are already showing changes. And...
The Petermann Glacier, named after the German geographer August Petermann, has been the focus of science for a long time. In 1962, 2010 and 2012, gigantic parts of the glacier tongue (back) broke off and drifted down the West Greenland coast as icebergs. Picture: A....
The collage shows on the left images of valleys on Mars and on the right images of glacier valleys on Devon Island, Nunavut. According to the study, the types of valleys were created by similar processes, i.e. glaciers. Picture: Cal-Tech CTX mosaic and MAXAR/Esri...